Companionship & more

Keeping good company conversation, self-development, companionship

The four key activities

Keeping Good Company should be seen as a remote friend for the client, and in that regard has the same capacity to do anything that a friend could

In reality, there’s an unlimited range of activities we can engage in with the client, for example:

  • Chat, laugh, reflect, explore & reminisce
  • Read and discuss books & poetry together
  • Share You Tube videos & online content
  • Play scrabble & other online board games
  • Crosswords, puzzles & Sudoku
  • Help with technology & devices
  • Help with online shopping & paying bills
  • Online educational courses

Doing these simple things, solidifies the sense companionship and alleviates loneliness. However, Keeping Good Company builds on this great base in delivering four main areas of service.

These aspects, delivered by our expertly trained team, is what makes our service special.


We’re mainly about alleviating the hard-hitting loneliness, that so many struggle with. Keeping Good Company foremost offers companionship, by way of chatting, conversation and simple engagement. The power and benefits of meaningful connection through conversation can’t be understated.

The power of the Keeping Good Company conversation grows as each person knows the other better. As the bond grows, so will the benefit.

Once the foundational aspects have been covered, and maybe where normally a conversation might start to slow, then we can add greater depth and purpose through curated curricula and courses.

Caregiver support

Keeping Good Company aren’t trying to be expert in anything really. We’re merely trying to replicate what a younger friend or companion might do in real-life circumstances. Two heads are better than one in most circumstances.

We’ve found that we can be very effective in helping people, just by being there are working through things together. Area’s we have found to be most rewarding are:

  • Bi-lateral communication with family
  • Reminders for medications and appointments
  • Basic support with online shopping and paying of bills
  • Basic support with technology and items around the house

Personal development

The mind and body becomes juvenile if not challenged. With gentle challenges the mind can remain engaged and grow. And with a healthy engaged mind, the body and spirit usually follows.

Keeping Good company offers an enormous range of programs and courses for our clients. There’s no pressure to do any of them, but the option is there.  Our team will encourage and guide our clients according to their best interests.

A program might be as simple as learning about our client’s employment and carer history, what their school life was like, or discussing their past travel and holidays.

We can offer guidance with social media and technology. Helping our client’s better master the fast-changing technology and social media world helps them feel more relevant, and be more engaged with the ‘outside world’, their families, and other interest groups and clubs.

Equally, some people enjoy a one-on-one book club where we both read a book and then discuss and critique.

Also, we offer to sit alongside our clients and assist in completing online courses.  We offer courses via the major portals such as Udemy, Lynda or even MIT’s Open Courseware (MIT provides all its courses for free online). There’s no limit to the breadth of subjects, anything is possible. Popular choices are subjects like art-history, poetry, languages or history.

Therefore, the options for deeper constructive engagement and personal development are endless.

Reporting & assessments

Our Keeping Good Company buddies take notes and write a report for each call. If the client consents, these reports can be shared with family – providing insight and updates. The closer communication generates higher engagement within the family.

Also, we can relay messages and needs from the client to the family.  This aggregation and facilitation of communication can improve connection and give the client a better sense of relevance.

Keeping Good Company carries does regular mini-assessments of each client. Simple assessments such as measuring perceived levels of happiness, engagement, and autonomy on a scale of 1-10.  These are shown to be very effective in monitoring progress over the medium and short term.

Regular communication makes it easier to alert loved ones if cause for concern arises. For example, if the client isn’t feeling well, they are withdrawn and unhappy, or report falls or near misses.